Gandaki Communication and Information Technology Minister Prithvi Subba Gurung has said that there is cooperation between the two major parties to maintain economic development and good governance along with political stability.
At the meeting of leaders of the Communist Party of Nepal (UML) organized by Kaski today in Pokhara, he said, “The current government has been formed to instill the hope of development in the people. The government will address the problems facing the country.”
He said that in countries with a parliamentary system, two major parties rarely form a government, but it is not new for Nepal. “There was cooperation between Nepali Congress and UML before to solve the problems faced by the country”, he said, “The current government has been formed with the resolution of making the economy in recession, creating jobs, good governance and prosperity.”
Stating that the current government is not free to fail, the Minister of Communication and Information Technology, who is also the spokesperson of the government, said that the legitimacy of old and mainstream political parties should not be questioned. He said that the government is active in making people feel development and good governance along with political stability. He said, “If the parties that have struggled to bring democracy and republic fail, there is a risk of regressives raising their heads, we should be aware of this.”
Minister Gurung said that Nepal Telecom, Post and other state-owned institutions should be made competitive by improving their quality. He said that the old communication policies and laws will be revised, maximum use of information technology has been emphasized according to the concept of ‘Digital’ Nepal.