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Boycotting Sudurpaschim Provincial Assembly meeting seeking the authority of Naupa’s party leader

16 June, Dhangadhi. The meeting of the Sudurpaschim Province Assembly has been boycotted seeking the authority of the leader of the Civil Liberation Party (NAUPA).

Naupa’s guardian Resham Chaudhary party and the main opposition party Nepali Congress boycotted the meeting seeking the authority of Naupa’s parliamentary party leader.

As soon as the meeting of the provincial assembly started on Wednesday afternoon, the members of the provincial assembly of both parties stood up and protested. After Speaker Bhim Bahadur Bhandari gave time to Chief Whip Khusiram Dagaura Tharu of Civil Liberation Party to speak, he asked who is the leader of Naupa’s party? asked.

Is the Civil Liberties Party the leader of the parliamentary party now? The entire House is being affected by the issue’, he said. The party does not have the right to appoint the leader of the party.

Dagoura said that the leader of Naupa Dal is Ghanshyam Chaudhary and claimed that Kailash Chaudhary cannot be given authority. Regarding the issue of the state government, the president of Civil Liberation Party, Ranjita Shrestha, removed Ghanshyam Chaudhary as the leader of the parliamentary party and gave the responsibility to Kailash Chaudhary.

Kailash is currently in the role of physical infrastructure development minister in the Sudurpaschim provincial government, while five provincial assembly members from the Resham Chaudhary party are in the role of opposition.

Kailash Choudhary is not the leader of the party, saying that the government that was formed using his signature is not valid, and MPs of NAUPA and Congress boycotted the meeting. In the presence of the ruling party including the RPP amid the boycott of Naupa’s Silk Party and the Congress, Speaker Bhandari has proceeded with the work of the Provincial Assembly.

Responding to the questions raised in the provincial assembly on the principles and priorities of the allocation of funds for the financial year 2081/82, Chief Minister Dilig Bahadur Sodari reminded that the writ against him was dismissed by the Supreme Court. Sodari also said that he is ready to talk and communicate if there are any other demands and agenda.

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