Kathmandu. The touching trailer of the Nepali film ‘Tara: The Lost Star’, which was selected in the market section of the world-famous Cannes Film Festival, has been released. The trailer reveals important details about the characterization and plot.
Directed by Samten Bhutia, the film tells the story of a female character in search of identity and happiness amid social and cultural stigma and pressure. Shyamashree Sherpa has acted in the lead role.
Sherpa was also present when the film was screened at the Cannes market. This film will be released in India on June 14. Director Bhutia informed Onlinekhabar that the performance date of Nepal will be decided soon.
Luniva Tuladhar from Nepal has also acted in the film which was shot in Sikkim, India and most of the Sikkimese actors participated. In this year’s Cannes, two of Luniva’s films were selected, including ‘Tara’. Another of which ‘The Seamless’ won the best actress award from On Certain Regard.