Kathmandu. Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan has become a father. Wife Natasha gave birth to a daughter on Tuesday. Natasha was admitted to the hospital in the morning after suffering from labor pains.
Varun’s father and Bollywood director David Dhawan has informed through social media that Lakshmi was born at home. Natasha and Varun became parents for the first time. David Dhawan is also happy after becoming a grandfather.
Varun and Natasha are happy after becoming parents. The Dhawan family is currently celebrating the birth of a princess at home. Varun’s fans are also happy with this news.
Fans are congratulating Varun on becoming a father on social media. A fan writes – ‘Congratulations on the birth of a daughter.’ Celebrities including Bollywood producer Karan Johar are also congratulating the Varun couple.
Varun-Natasha’s fans are currently waiting to see when their daughter’s face will be revealed. They got married on 24 January 2021. Three years later, they welcomed their first child.