Kathmandu. The second poster of the film ‘Sati Devi’ directed by Laxman Subedi has been released. In the poster, actress Malika Mahat is breastfeeding a baby. Next to him, his two sisters are in a worried mood.
Malika’s touching looks are seen in the previous poster. In that poster, he was chased by the villagers wearing garlands of black clothes and shoes. In the second poster, the top character Malika can be seen in a different shade.
It has aroused curiosity among the audience that she is seen in the role of a child’s mother in this film. Along with Malika, child actors Harshika Wali and Manjila Baniyan are also crying.
Harshika is holding a slipper in her hand and Manjila is holding a small branch in her hand. A butterfly is flying over a spreading branch. This indicates that the daughter wants to fly freely.
The poster says ‘Let us worship our daughter, understand our daughter, this is the whole world’. This film won Best Film, Shiv Regmi Best Director at Saurah South Asian Film Festival and Best Film, Best Script and Best Actress Juri Menson Award at 3rd Nepal Rural Film Festival.
This film is ready to be screened nationwide from July 4th.