Kathmandu. Actor duo Madankrishna Shrestha and Harivansh Acharya, who have been embroiled in controversy, have apologized after expressing their opinion on the pending case in the court. In a video message from Australia on Monday morning, they admitted that they made a mistake.
‘We were sitting in the BRICS cafe and were seriously discussing about coming to Australia. At that time, many journalists were sitting and discussing a more serious matter, pending in the court,’ Shrestha said in the video, ‘When I was in a mood, a proposal came to speak. We were also confused about what to say.’
“If we had not spoken about the matter under consideration in the court”, Harivansh said, “We made a mistake.” For that, you have loved us for so many years.’ He has asked me to forget everything and forgive him this time too.
Before flying to Australia, Mahjodi commented on the arrest of Kailash Sirohia, president of Kantipur Media Group. Soon after, social media users attacked him. Mahjodi is currently on Australia tour for Mahajatra program.