Film director and writer Laxminath Sharma has been honored with Lifetime Achievement Award. On the occasion of the Koshi Film Festival 2081, Sharma was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Home Affairs and Law Minister of Koshi Province Lilabalab Adhikari.
On this occasion, actor Shiv Shrestha, former chairman of Film Development Board and producer Rajkumar, president of Nepal Film Artists Association Mohan Niraula, director Naveen Subba, producer Chhabiraj Ojha, first woman director Suchitra Shrestha, artist and director Ramesh Budhathoki and color journalist Prakash Subedi were given special contribution awards from 2081. has been honored.
Similarly, filmmakers Kuber Sharma, Chiranjeevi Basnet, Keshav Rayamazhi, Saburlal Choudhary, Lakhman Yojan, Sumit Khadka, singers Shrikrishna Lurintel, Virender Jha, Bipin Prasain, Subas Meche, Prem Dewan and others have been given provincial honours.
44 short and feature films participated in the festival organized by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law, Koshi Province. The chief guest in the program, Minister of Internal Affairs and Law Leeballabh Adhikari said that the festival will play an important role in promoting the Koshi region.
During the festival, there was an interaction with Dinesh DC, Naval Khadka, Naveen Subba, Suchitra Shrestha and Sangeeta Shrestha on the topics of film production in Koshi region, Nepali films in the world market, women in Nepali films.